To the Older Improv Student

I think a lot about the older improv student, since I have many students who are 40+, 50+, 60+ etc.  I am an older student myself. My main message is: It’s never too late to put on your improv shoes and begin the journey. You have so much to bring to the stage, so much to gain yourself. And I do believe you will find that improv makes you ageless.

Then I read Jimmy Carrane’s Blog, I knew I had to re-post it here. Enjoy!

To the older people starting out in improv: You belong
December 14, 2017 / Blog / by Jimmy Carrane

To the older people starting out in improv: You belong. This is for you.
If you are an older person and you are just starting out doing improv, stand-up, storytelling or acting, I want to say to you are in the right place.
You did not wait too long.
You are not wasting your time.
You belong.
We need you.
I know that is not what you think.   Continue reading